Excel Arms MP-5.7 Review

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Excel Arms MP-5.7

Users’ Rating (Click a star to rate this gun.)

Summary: Excel Arm’s description, specs, pricing, photo and user ratings for its MP-5.7 pistol.

Manufacturer’s Description
Excel Arms MP-5.7

The Excel Arms MP-5.7 is a blowback-style semi-auto chambered in 5.7x28mm. Features include a blade front sight and an adjustable rear sight (for elevation and windage).

The Specs
5.7x28mm9+112.875″8.5″5.7″n/a”54 oz., empty

MSRP: $585–$676

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2 thoughts on “Excel Arms MP-5.7 Review”

  1. Excel MP-5.7 Review
    All, this is my first post here, and I would like to recount for you my success with a fine Excel Arms product, the MP-5.7. I would like to do this….I would also like to have hair, but that isn’t happening either. Let me jump right into it.
    I returned from Afghanistan in early 2014, and decided I wanted to purchase a 5.7 chambered pistol. The Excel looked like a bargain, and the longer bull barrel promised an increased velocity. I shopped gunbroker, and eventually struck a deal in November for just under $600.00, including the FFL transfer and shipping.
    The pistol arrived shortly after, and in December, I went to the range with my new acquisition to take the measure of the pistol. This was somewhat curtailed by the minor fact that the pistol DID NOT FIRE. Not only did this new, out of the box pistol not fire, it did not even show a primer strike in several dozen attempts. I have purchased 110 year old Colts, new pistols from Kel-Tec to Sig and have never, ever, had a turd out of the box, but I surely had one now.
    I went on to the Excel website, and contacted them immediately…..nothing. I waited a month, and repeated the procedure…nothing. I called, and was trapped in the hell of endless phone message, so I wrote again, and on 21 May 2015, I received the following response:
    “Hello – Sorry to hear about your trouble.
    Can you check to be sure the screws, specifically the rear screw on the top of the pistol rib is snug down tight with the allen Hex wrench.
    The screws can become loose and this will cause malfunctions. They need to be kept snug down tight.
    If after you have checked the screws, then you can send the firearm into us to check out for you.
    Your Return Authorization number is RA# XXXXX.
    Ship it to our address listed below. Do not include any live rounds, but do include your magazines.
    Please fill out the warranty card and send it in to activate the warranty.
    While not exactly pleased with being told to repair my own firearm before sending it in, I tried it, no joy. I whipped the pistol to Excel Arms, which Fed Ex (on my dime) confirmed arrived on 29 May 2015.
    Insert long pause of hearing nothing here, not even an email confirming receipt.
    I wrote an email to Kathy on 01 June (no response) and a second on 10 July 2015, which stated the following:
    “Second Inquiry (first un-responded) as to the status of my pistol. I am becoming….concerned.”
    On 12 July 2015, I received the following reply”
    The firearm is here. I will get back to you on Monday or Tuesday to advise.
    Since then (it is now the early hours of 18 July 2015) I have not heard a word, through any of the vast communications options available. I have no pistol, no $600.00 and even if I received the item back tomorrow, it would be forever stained in my mind by indifferent and slipshod construction, followed by perversely bad customer service. This is a firearm, a somewhat serious product, and this bunch seems to care about neither their customers nor their reputation.
    So I am posting here, and to every related discussion board I can find. Please consider my experience with the Excel Arms MP-5.7 before you purchase this shiny doorstop. The typical negative customer service experience gets related between 11 and 20 times, I am going to try to better this number, and perhaps in doing so can create pressure on Excel Arms to better their customer focus.
    WMD (CIB, Purple Heart)

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  2. purchased mp5.7 x 28 in july 2015 going down same road ,do they even have a tech service

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