Handgun Roundup: The .410 Shotshell Revolvers

.410 Shotshell Revolvers

Handguns chambered for .410-caliber shotshells have cultivated a growing fan base recently, particularly since heavyweight manufacturers Smith & Wesson (S&W) and Taurus introduced new .410-capable revolvers this year. It appears there’s just something about a pistol-sized shotgun that draws peoples’ interest.

S&W and Taurus aren’t the only players in this market, of course, and neither is the revolver—the venerable over/under, two-shot derringer has long been in on the .410 action. As far as I can tell, currently seven manufacturers produce handguns chambered for .410-caliber shotshells.

This article pulls all the basic info for .410-caliber revolvers into one place. Each pistol’s listing is an excerpt from its main-info page, which contains the manufacturer’s description, specs and more photos, and links to online stores selling that pistol. To go to that page, simply click on the gun’s name, which is in blue-colored text.

I’ve organized the revolvers by price, from cheapest to most expensive. If I’ve failed to include a model, please let me know via the Contact form at this link, or via the Comment form at the bottom of this article.


rough rider photo

Rough Rider 45/410
MSRP: $399.99


Judge photo

MSRP: $546–$652


Public Defender photo

Judge Public Defender
MSRP: $570–$680

Smith & Wesson

Governor photo

MSRP: $679


Raging Judge photo

Raging Judge
MSRP: $936

Magnum Research

BFR photo

MSRP: $1,050


Jed Henson photo

Jed Henson is an author, editor and publisher.

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5 thoughts on “Handgun Roundup: The .410 Shotshell Revolvers”

  1. Pingback: Know anybody who'd buy a DA cap and ball, thru the mail?

  2. The judge is IMHO the ultimate up close and personal defensive weapon, we are talking 0000 buck shot a five yards on paper targets it obliterates a four inch portion its a point and shoot handgun, one does not need to be a proficient marksman to hit something..mine is a three inch magnum with a multitude of .410 defensive ammunition now available on the market and more being developed each day. As i reflected its an up-close use pistol after ten yards you might as well be shooting at the moon …

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  3. After we posted this article, Taurus purchased Heritage, and a reader tells me Heritage no longer produces the Rough Rider 45/410.

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  4. July 2016,
    I am looking at the Taurus Judge PD- Personal Defender: poly frame, SS-cylinder 5-shot, @20.7 oz, a 2.5 in barrell, and small frame, it seems to be a valuable carry piece.
    To use as snake / bird and personal protection carry gun. It seems to fill a nitch. Good for concealed carry & just the variety of .410 shells available, it has caught my attention.
    Taurus announced this was new for 2015/6.
    To me the all encompassing 45acp, 45lc, .410 &/or Casull guns or 357 mag /38 spec is attempting to boost sales alluring to their versitallity. However, accuracy results depend on the chamber fitting the round as close to the chamber as possible. I have never been able to shoot 38 spec out of a 357 with any accuracy.
    Casul 454 is a whole other frame, never a carry piece. However, I use mine to shoot reloaded 454 brass
    to create a hybrid 45LC round, with a bit more punch & accuracy. But still, a heavier gun to hold & shoot.

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  5. Very interested in a small one of these. What model and Brand is the smallest?
    Sounds like very sufficient conceal/carry pistol.

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